East Bay - Connections


Like any group with successful long-term relationships, we’ve engendered and maintained our trust in each other by remaining committed to achieving mutual understanding. The only way we know to do that is to communicate honestly with each other. So, it’s an understatement to say that we take communication seriously.

We’ve come to understand the fundamental factors to communication and have exercises that anyone can practice to improve their own ability to communicate. Using these foundational skills, you can raise your comfort level to the point where things that used to throw you off just don’t, helping you express what you really think and feel.

It’s long been understood that communication is the tool we all have to increase our understanding of ourselves, each other and the world around us. East Bay provides people with the opportunity and the tools to use honest communication to create a safe space in which we can work things out. We use these tools for personal growth and to enhance our connections with each other, our friends and families, our neighbors, colleagues and those we help.

East Bay